Full Guide to Arduino Nano Every Pinout and Specs (VS Nano)

Last updated on March 26th, 2024 at 12:31 pm

The Arduino Nano Every is a pin equivalent and evolved version of the Arduino nano board. It comes with an even more powerful processor ATmega4809 (20Mhz), and a larger RAM capacity of 6 KB (3 times). Arduino Nano Every Pinout is explained in detail in this post.

This board also features a micro-USB port instead of a mini-B port, unlike the previous Nano board. It has 20 digital I/o pins, 8 analog inputs, and a RESET button. The pinout, specifications, schematic, and datasheet of this board are given below.

Arduino Nano Every Top view
Arduino Nano every top view

Arduino Nano Every board layout

Arduino Nano Every board layout
Arduino Nano Every board layout

Atmega4809 Microchip: It is an 8-bit AVR processor developed by Atmel that can run up to 20MHz. It comes with 6KB of SRAM, 48KB of flash, and 256 bytes of EEPROM.

The chip features the latest technologies like flexible and efficient power architecture, including Event System and Sleepwalking, precious analog features, and advanced peripherals.

Micro USB port: The Nano every comes with a micro-USB port, unlike the previous Arduino Nano board that comes with the mini-USB-B port.

The port can be used to power up the board as well as to connect the board to the computer for flashing the code.

RESET button: The board comes with a RESET button that can be used to reset the board and begin the execution of the program from the beginning.

Power LED: The board comes with a power LED that lights up as soon as the board is connected to a computer.

Inbuilt LED (13): An Inbuilt LED is present on the board that is connected to pin no 13. This LED can be controlled by switching the pin to HIGH or LOW.

RX and TX LED: On the board, there are two more LEDs connected to the UART pin 17(RX) and 30(TX), respectively.


Given below are the specs of Nano Every in tabular form.

MicrocontrollerATMega4809 (datasheet)
Operating Voltage5V
VIN min-MAX7-21V
DC Current per I/O Pin20 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin50 mA
Clock Speed20MHz
CPU Flash Memory48KB (ATMega4809)
SRAM6KB (ATMega4809)
EEPROM256byte (ATMega4809)
PWM Pins5 (D3, D5, D6, D9, D10)
Analog Input Pins8 (ADC 10 bit)
Analog Output PinsOnly through PWM (no DAC)
External Interruptsall digital pins
USBUses the ATSAMD11D14A (datasheet)
Length45 mm
Width18 mm
Weight5 gm (with headers)
Arduino Nano Every specs table

Does Arduino Nano Every have WiFi?

No, the Arduino Nano Every does not have a WiFi or Bluetooth feature. But similar Nano boards like Arduino Nano 33 IoT have an inbuilt WiFi module with Bluetooth and Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense with Bluetooth only.

Difference between Arduino Nano and Nano Every

The Arduino Nano Every is a pin equivalent and evolved version of the Arduino nano board. As compared to the Nano’s ATmega328p processor and 2 KB of RAM, Nano every comes with a powerful processor ATmega4809 (20Mhz) and a larger RAM capacity of 6 KB (3 times).

Here’s the difference between Arduino Nano and Arduino Nano Every in tabular form.

FunctionArduino NanoArduino Nano Every
Clock Speed16 MHz20 MHz
USB portMini-BMicro USB
Flash Memory32 KB42 KB
PWM pins65
DC current per I/O pins40 mA20 mA
Weight7 g5 g
Difference Table between Arduino Nano and Arduino Nano Every

Arduino Nano Every pinout

Arduino Every Pinout
Arduino Every Pinout

As shown in the above Arduino Nano Every pinout image, the board consists of 30 pins in total, 20 of which are digital I/O pins. Out of these five are PWM enabled, with 8 analog input pins.

Power pins

Vin: It is the input voltage pin that powers up the Arduino board. When a certain voltage is given via the USB port to power the board, this voltage also shows up at the Vin pin.

3v3: The 3.3V pin generates an output voltage of 3.3v.

5v: The 5V pin generates regulated 5v output for the externally connected components. The power source of the 5V pin for the Arduino Nano Every board is a USB connector and the Vin.

GND: Two ground pins are available on Arduino Nano Every board.

Digital pins

There are 20 digital I/O pins on the Arduino Nano Every board can be used as an input or output. They operate at 5 volts.

The Arduino Nano Every digital pin can read one of the two states: when the electric signal is present and when it is absent. This type of input is usually known as digital type (or binary) and these states are referred to as HIGH which is 1 or LOW which is 0.

PWM pins

Five pins are PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) pins, numbered as 3, 5, 6, 9, and 10.

Each PWM pin provides an 8-bit PWM output.

To generate the PWM output, syntax “analogwrite(PWM Pin, PWM value)” is used. PWM output value varies between 0 (0 volts) and 255 (5 volts).

Analog pins

The Arduino Nano Every consists of 8 analog inputs, labeled as AX (where X is pin no.). All of these pins can also be utilized as digital I/O pins.

Each one of the analog pins is connected to an inbuilt ADC of 210-bit (i.e., 1024 different values) resolution.

I2C pins

Aduino Nano Every I2C pins

I2C is the two-wire serial communication protocol. The I2C protocol stands for Inter-Integrated Circuits. The protocol uses two pins for sending and receiving clock data as well as serial data: a serial clock (SCL) pin and a serial data (SDA) pin.

  • SCL-It stands for Serial Clock. It is used for sending the clock data between the devices. It is also used for synchronization purposes; this pin is provided by the master device.
  • SDA-It stands for Serial Data. This pin is operated by both the slave and master device. The purpose of this pin is to send and receive the data. That’s why it is also called a data line, while SCL is known as a clock line.

External interrupts

Unlike the Arduino Nano board, the external interrupts are allowed on all pins, not just pins D2 and D3.

SPI pins

Arduino Nano Every SPI pins
Arduino Nano Every SPI pins
  • It stands for Serial peripheral interface.
  • This serial communication protocol is used to send the serial data between the microcontroller and one or more peripheral devices efficiently.
  • The board consists of 4 SPI pins.
    • SCK (Serial Clock) D13
    • SS (Slave Select) D8
    • MOSI (Master Out Slave In) D11
    • MISO (Master In Slave Out) D12

Note: On Arduino Nano, SS is connected to the digital pin 10.

UART pins

Arduino Nano Every TX and RX pins
Arduino Nano Every TX and RX pins

UART pins are used for serial communication. 0 (RX) to receive the data, and 1 (TX) to transmit (TX) TTL serial data using the ATmega4809 advanced hardware serial capabilities.


To download the schematic of Arduino Nano every schematic in pdf format, click here.

Arduino Nano Every Schematic
Arduino Nano Every Schematic


To download the datasheet of the Arduino microcontroller 4809 present on Arduino Nano every, click here.


Arduino Nano Every Dimensions
Arduino Nano Every Dimensions

The size/dimensions of Arduino Nano Every board is 45x18mm.

Where to Buy Arduino Nano Every?

You can get the original Arduino Nano Every board from different stores. But if you want to get it from Amazon, we recommend the following sellers.

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Ankit Negi

I am an electrical engineer by profession who loves to tinker with electronic devices and gadgets and have been doing so for over six years now. During this period, I have made many projects and helped thousands of students through my blog and YouTube videos. I am active on Linkedin.

5 thoughts on “Full Guide to Arduino Nano Every Pinout and Specs (VS Nano)”

    • Hi,
      The voltage threshold for I/O pins is 0.5+VCC. So if your VCC is 5V then the absolute max is 5.5V as an input.
      And each pin can provide or receive a maximum of 40 mA and has an internal pull-up resistor (disconnected by default) of 20-50 kOhms.

    • Hi Stephen,
      The Arduino Nano Every has only 5 digital pins(one less than the Arduino Nano board), 3,5,6,9, and 10.
      Hope this clears the doubt.


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