Digispark Attiny85 with Arduino 2.3 – Tutorial in 2025

Last updated on February 8th, 2025 at 11:21 am

Digispark is the Attiny85-based USB development board from Digistump. Due to the built-in USB connector, you can directly program the Attiny85 using Arduino IDE. This makes the use of ATtiny85 a lot easier since you don’t need a separate Arduino and a mess of jumper wires to program it.

Digispark ATtiny85
Digispark ATtiny85

It has 8KB of flash memory, SRAM, and EEPROM of 512 bytes each, 6 digital pins, and 4 analog pins. Because of the onboard 5V regulator, you can supply it voltage between 7 to 35 volts. There is also a built-in LED connected to digital pin 1.

Here’s a table summarizing the specifications of the DigiSpark ATTiny85:

Operating Voltage5V
Input Voltage5V (via USB)
Digital I/O Pins6
PWM Pins3 (Pins: 0, 1, 4)
Analog Input Pins4 (Pins: 2, 3, 4, 5)
Flash Memory8 KB (of which 2 KB used by bootloader)
SRAM512 Bytes
EEPROM512 Bytes
Clock Speed16 MHz (via internal PLL)
Power ConsumptionApprox. 5 mA at 5V
USBUSB 1.1 (with software USB support, no native USB hardware)
Dimensions26 mm x 18.8 mm (approximate board size)
Programming InterfaceUSB, using the Arduino IDE or other compatible software
Digispark ATtiny85 specifications

Overview of Onboard Pins

The onboard pins of the Digispark board are designed to offer a range of functionalities for various projects. Here’s a brief overview:

  • Digital Pins: The board features 6 digital pins (P0 to P5).
  • Analog Pins: There are 4 analog pins (P2 to P5) available for analog input.
  • PWM Pins: 3 pins (P0, P1, and P4) support Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).

For a detailed pinout diagram, refer to the provided pinout chart.

Digispark ATtiny85 Pinout
Digispark ATtiny85 Pinout

Preparing the board

The board does not come with pre-soldered header pins, so you need to solder them separately. If you prefer using boards similar to the UNO, soldering female header pins would be suitable. However, for a more compact setup, I am opting for male header pins, which align with the mini or nano board approach.

Female header pins soldered
With female header pins
Soldering male header pins makes the board breadboard friendly
Breadboard-friendly using male header pins

Using the Digispark on a breadboard can be challenging due to its design, which is not inherently breadboard-friendly. My approach involves placing the 6 digital pins on the breadboard and connecting the power pins using jumper wires.

Alternatively, you can directly connect the board to your laptop while it remains on the breadboard. Although this setup may not be aesthetically clean, it is functional.

Programming the Digispark ATtiny85 with Arduino 2.0

Now that your board is ready, lets see how to program it using Arduino 2.0 step by step:

Step 1: Install the Arduino IDE

Ensure you have the latest version of the Arduino IDE installed on your system. To install the Arduino IDE 2.3, visit the Arduino’s software page. After the installation is successful, open the IDE.

Step 2: Additional board manager

  • On your dashboard navigate to File → Preferences.
  • Paste the link given below into the “Additional Boards Manager URLs” field.
Paste the link in additional boards manager URL section

Step 3: Install Digistump AVR Board Package

  • Go to the Board Manager.
  • Search for “Digistump” and install the “Digistump AVR boards” package.
Installing Digistump AVR package

Step 4: Upload a Blink Sketch

  • To open the Blink sketch, go to File→Examples→Basics→Blink.
  • In the Tools section, select Boards → Digistump AVR Boards and choose the “default-16.5 MHz” board.
  • Don’t connect the board to your laptop yet. First, click on the upload button and wait for this message: “Plug in device now. Time out in 60 seconds”
  • Once you get the message, insert the Digispark into the USB port. If everything works fine, you will see a successful upload message, and the built-in LED at pin 1 on the board will start blinking.

Finally, let’s put our Attiny85 board to use by utilizing its analog input and PWM functions. We’ll control the brightness of an LED using a potentiometer.

Example project- Using a potentiometer to control LED brightness

To demonstrate the board’s capabilities, we will control the brightness of an LED using a potentiometer. Here’s how to set it up:

1. Connect components:

  • Connect an LED to pin 1 through a 220-ohm resistor.
  • Connect a potentiometer to pin 2, with its end terminals connected to 5V and ground, respectively.

2. Program the board:

  • Upload the program given below to the board.
int led_Ext = 1;
int pot = A1;

void setup() {

pinMode(led_Ext, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

int pot_Value = analogRead(pot);
pot_Value = map(pot_Value,0,1023,0,255);


3. Adjust LED brightness:

  • Power the board, and you will be able to adjust the LED brightness by rotating the potentiometer.

With these steps, you are now equipped to explore more projects using the Attiny85 board.

Photo of author

Vikas Gariyal

Electrical engineer by profession, I employ graphic design as a visual art to simplify and enhance electronic content for clarity and engagement, making complex ideas easily understandable. My work combines creativity and technology to create captivating and effective visual storytelling.

1 thought on “Digispark Attiny85 with Arduino 2.3 – Tutorial in 2025”

  1. Forget these now. DigiStump (from whence we get all our support for these) has gone out of business recently so you’re on your own getting these things to work.

    Oh, and they’ll never truly work as a USB client.


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